Contact us

Parish Priest: Fr Joseph Welch

Church Address: 1 Orwell Place, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 1BD


Telephone: 01473 25 25 96

Map and directions: click here

Parish Safeguarding Rep: Mim McMahon

Diocese Website:

Ipswich Hospital Chaplaincy: Fr Bineesh at St Mark's 07549 695648

Please notify the chaplain directly, or Fr Joseph, if you or anyone you know is in, or going into, hospital, and make it clear to hospital staff that you wish for a visit from a Catholic priest.

For reasons of patient confidentiality, current NHS practice is NOT to inform the chaplains of any Catholics that are admitted to hospital. So unless you or your relatives inform the chaplains of your hospital stay yourselves , you will not be visited by a priest or any other member of the chaplaincy team.

St Pancras Church

1 Orwell Place Ipswich Suffolk IP4 1BD

Parish Office telephone:
01473 252 596


Ipswich Hospital Chaplaincy:
Fr Bineesh at St Mark's 07549 695648